Jun 6, 2023 | News

Congratulations to Dr. Lisa Gwynn for being selected as the 2023 Audrey Lincourt Schiebler, RN, FAAP, and Gerold Schiebler, MD, FAAP, Advocacy Award recipient! The award is given annually to a physician who has worked beyond the profession, educated local and state legislators, and diligently advocated to improve the health and welfare of Florida’s children.

Dr. Gwynn is an Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and Public Health Sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (UMMSOM), serves as Medical Director for the Pediatric Mobile Clinic, as well as Program Director for the School Health Initiative in Miami-Dade County schools. During her term as 2020-2022 FCAAP President, she repeatedly stood up to controversial legislation on topics such as COVID-19 vaccination and LGBTQ+ rights, spearheaded the creation of FCAAP’s Immigrant Health Task Force and E-Cigarette Task Force, and helped author the white paper on FCAAP Recommendations Regarding Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Dr. Gwynn is the Co-Founder of The Darrell Gwynn Foundation, serves as a Member of the Immigrant Specialty Care Access Network, serves as an appointed Medical/Public Health Expert of the Superintendent School Reopening Committee for Miami-Dade County Public Schools, and serves as Regional Director of the National Migrant Clinicians Specialty Care Access Network (SCAN). She is also an advocacy mentor for pediatric residents and medical students at University of Miami and to FCAAP’s annual Florida Pediatric Foundation St. Petery Pediatric Trainee Advocacy Scholarship winners.

Join us at The Future of Pediatric Practice 2023 on September 1 – 3 in Orlando to hear more about Dr. Gwynn’s significant contributions to Florida’s children and to celebrate the accomplishment with her!

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Contact Melanie Range, Administrator Coordinator at 850-224-3939 ext. 1001.