FCAAP Supporting Pediatric Healthcare Providers to Increase Vaccination Uptake

Sep 13, 2021 | News

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has funded FCAAP to participate in the Supporting Pediatric Healthcare Providers to Increase Vaccination Uptake project. FCAAP is hosting a focus group aimed to identify (1) the needs of pediatric healthcare clinicians related to increasing routine vaccination in children and adolescents to inform the development of strategies, action plans, and/or resources to meet these needs, (2) anticipated COVID-19 vaccination support needs and (3) identify potential barriers that practices face to fully vaccinate or re-vaccinate children, including those with chronic conditions and those within high-risk populations.  Focus Group participants will receive an incentive for participation.

Who should participate:

Practices providing primary care who:

  • Want to improve the quality of care for patients by developing strategies, action plans, and/or access to vaccination resources.
  • Anticipate COVID-19 vaccination support needs.
  • Provide primary care to patients with chronic medical conditions and high-risk immunocompromised pediatric populations.
  • Are interested in learning more about vaccinating or re-vaccinating children with chronic conditions and those within high-risk populations.

Focus Group Registration Available Here.

Contact Tracy Sumpter, FCAAP Grant Coordinator, at for any questions.

Have a news inquiry or need assistance?

Contact Melanie Range, Administrator Coordinator at 850-224-3939 ext. 1001.