Hurricane Ready Florida 

Jul 28, 2023 | News

Led by the FCAAP Disaster Preparedness Ambassador, Dr. Mavra Agrawal in collaboration with Dr. Michelle Blanco, Dr. Marisa Couluris, and Dr. Jennifer Takagishi, and with the support of the AAP Pediatric Disaster Preparedness Ambassador Grant Program, FCAAP’s Disaster Preparedness Committee worked with several state agencies and pediatric healthcare experts around the state to identify solutions related to systems of care for vent-dependent children during a natural disaster. Through the project, the team created this educational webinar – Hurricane Ready Florida: Promoting Disaster Preparedness for Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs. The webinar reviews the definition of children and youth with special health care needs, the different types of natural disasters, the different types of electricity dependent medical equipment and their corresponding medical diagnoses, strategies to help families prepare for hurricanes in the clinical setting, and the services available through managed care organizations and local, state, and national organizations. The on-demand webinar is free for all FCAAP members.

Interested in getting more involved with disaster preparedness efforts? Join the FCAAP Disaster Preparedness Committee today! Email FCAAP Administrative Coordinator, Melanie Range, for more information.

Have a news inquiry or need assistance?

Contact Melanie Range, Administrator Coordinator at 850-224-3939 ext. 1001.