FLynn’s Fundraising Frenzy

Nov 1, 2023 | News

The idea behind #GivingTuesday is simple: every act of generosity counts, and everyone has something to contribute toward building the better world we all want to live in.

Join FCAAP this November in a movement to foster generosity and support FCAAP’s work to ensure all children receive quality healthcare, not just for their immediate wellbeing, but also to encourage their growth into healthy, happy adults who will ensure a bright future for our state for decades to come. Through vigorous advocacy for children and pediatricians, programs to promote and support pediatrics as a career choice for medical students and new physicians, continuing education opportunities and events, and so much more, FCAAP provides the necessary tools, resources, and support to build the best foundation for Florida’s children.

Throughout this month, FCAAP is encouraging everyone throughout the state to support this crucial work by joining FLynn’s Fundraising Frenzy. Help us reach our goal of raising $10,000!
Because pediatricians know how to include fun in everything they do, we’ve made FLynn’s Fundraising Frenzy a game! Each FCAAP committee and task force is challenged to raise at least $650. Not on a FCAAP committee or task force? Choose your favorite to support, or make a general donation to the full campaign!

Donate to FLynn’s Fundraising Frenzy today to help FCAAP keep Florida’s children happy, safe, and healthy!

Have a news inquiry or need assistance?

Contact Melanie Range, Administrator Coordinator at 850-224-3939 ext. 1001.